About the Episode
This is one of the best episodes I have recorded in a long time. My incredible guest John Vasquez made it possible too.. John brings a fresh perspective on overcoming life’s biggest challenges sharing his journey and the lessons learned along the way. John shares how he went from attempting suicide to finding God. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, practical advice, or just hear John’s amazing story, this episode has it all. Don’t miss out on the wisdom John, who has went by Coach JV, has to offer – it’s time to go ALL IN on
About John
Coach JV woke up from an attempted suicide on December 18th, 2006, to a book called “The Secret.” From that day forth, the next 17 years of his life would never be the same.
After his attempted suicide, JV pursued a bachelor’s degree and graduated from CBA executive banking school and soon scaled himself up to vice president at a large bank. After years of dedication to the corporation, he went through a great spiritual awakening and started to see the system for what it was. He decided to leave the high-paid VP job and with his business partner Cesar Jeremy Quintanilla, created a million-dollar FREEDOM company called 3T Warrior Academy. 3T Warrior Academy has helped thousands of warriors worldwide break free from the job just over the broken system and learn how to journey to free do
Coach JV is also the founder and operator of Freedom Asset Management Company which specializes in scaling businesses to their highest potential and co-founded a company called Merlin which is a revolutionary crypto tracker that will change the industry. Besides being the owner of 7+ companies thus far, CJV is an author of two books, a top podcast host, a social media influencer of over 2M combined subscribers, and a featured powerhouse leader in multiple publications including Irishtechnews, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, AppleNews, and NewsNationUSA.
Today, JV remains dedicated to his family, children, and entrepreneurship while following his number
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Episode Topics:
- Discover how hitting rock bottom became the foundation for unparalleled success.
- Hear the story of a man who traded corporate chains for entrepreneurial freedom.
- Learn how one book and a second chance at life ignited a global movement.
- From despair to a million-dollar freedom empire: The Coach JV story.
- Uncover the secrets to breaking free from the system with Coach JV.
John Vasquez
There we go. We do.
Rick Jordan
What’s shakin, man? How are you doing? How are you doing, brother? Good, good.
John Vasquez
Yeah, absolutely amazing. How about you?
Rick Jordan
I’m doing good man doing good. Good. It’s a it’s a batching day. I appreciate you being part of a dude.
John Vasquez
Of course. Yeah, absolutely man. I’m excited.
Rick Jordan
Yeah, we’ll have a good time for sure. I love what you have going on in the background there.
John Vasquez
Thank you, man. Yeah, let’s do do here.
Rick Jordan
Yeah, right on. I can see that looks like that’s where you do your show. Yeah.
John Vasquez
Yeah, I have a YouTube channel and I tried to get here I usually work from home I travel a lot. So either home I try to I’m trying to get in here more often and do my videos here because it’s so professional. But yeah, I usually do it from my iPhone or my home dude.
Rick Jordan
I think one of my favorites was I was by it was at the JW Marriott in Orlando. And I was at I went like down this escalator to this part to where it’s like where the staff comes into the service elevators, you know because it was the quietest area except for when they would come in. So I was I was like hitting mute. I think I was doing it on Zoom. I was like hitting mute. Every time the door would slam was like I was trying to time the questions right so I could mute it before someone else but it was hilarious. But that’s what we do. Right?
John Vasquez
Yeah, it’s a wild ride. It’s been since 2000 the pandemic changed our whole business model we have so I’m inside we have a corporate office so we have like conference room we have a gym and stations and we got shut down during COVID and I pissed off so much and like we lost like 70% of revenue so we went completely online than the rest is history mats we now we did take us worldwide with like that’s worked out for us. So it was like oh shit. I got so pissed off. I was like screw these people are content tick tock is what blew us up, man. That’s awesome. Dude, leaving or not. And then my daughter got us on TikTok. And it was like, holy shit. We went completely. I mean, we had been posting we posted 35,000 times by 2020. Without any virality in one video, a man hit on tick tock. It was like,
Rick Jordan
Wow, that’s incredible. Yeah, by the way, I think we already started the show. No, no official intro or anything like that. But that’s good. But for everyone listening now, this was a good way to start this. I love it when this happens. Because it’s like we need and then it’s like, Man, this is just, it’s kindred spirits right away, you know? Yeah, that’s awesome, brother. But we’ll dive into that too. Because I mean, it’s I mean, John Vazquez, Coach JV. That’s what that’s what we’ve got here today. And this I mean, your bio is amazing, dude. It’s you wrote a book in 2006. Right. The book is called The Surrogate. No, you didn’t wake up and read that? I wish I had written the secret. Yeah, no kidding. I’m like, wait a second. I know that book.
John Vasquez
It’s over my shoulder right here. Yeah.
Rick Jordan
That’s awesome. Yeah, but after an attempted suicide, dude, what what led up to that?
John Vasquez
Yeah, it was interesting. Yeah, it goes pretty deep. It started you know, as I realized through the awakening afterward, what what caused it right, I was kind of just obliviously going through life. And it was just trauma as a child, right? I never really had the healed trauma. And then my whole young adult life after one other military, I was just seeking edification from the world, I just didn’t know. I didn’t know how to operate in the world. I really didn’t have a lot of masculine guidance in my life. My dad was in my life wasn’t me. He worked nonstop, constantly, you know, he’d be provided as a father, but provided for the family but wasn’t truly there to teach me how to be a man. And so I was always looking for that edification from my male figure, some stuff happened to me, that shouldn’t happen to a child at a very young age. And I just really embody that. And so when I left the military, I ended up getting into bodybuilding. And so I remember the first time Man, I stepped on stage as a bodybuilder chubby kid growing up, didn’t get the girls wasn’t a good athlete. And I stepped on stage. And I probably shouldn’t have done that bodybuilding show. But I had transformed my body at abs for the first time. And, you know, I was that guy, that was kind of the the courtesy clap on stage. But I, the people cheering for me was like, it was I was addicted right away, man. Oh, my God. And then I got really into bodybuilding. And so it became my whole obsession from getting on the military in 2000. Right before 911 2001 And then I got obsessed with bodybuilding. And so it was very healthy at first because I was, you know, changing my body fitness mindset. Yeah. I just had very low self-esteem, extremely low self-esteem. And then
Rick Jordan
I had a feeling that at that point, right with the applause and everything,
John Vasquez
oh my god. Yeah. And it was. Yeah, it was like I’ve never, you know, been a good athlete, so I’ve never had that and you know, my, my father was really into sports and I tried every sport and I just wasn’t good. So I just felt like a failure. Right. And so I had a leg injury so before a bodybuilding show and I ended up going to a doctor and he prescribed me like it and I was a clean-cut dude who never took really any drugs or anything like that. And I’m taking the first pill man for my leg injuries. I wanted to train through it. And I remember I remember exactly the underpass. I drove under the feeling like I got this overwhelming, like, euphoric feeling in my body. And I was like, Oh, my God, and I had this confidence. And I’ve never felt it before. Wow, it’s not it’s not a good thing. You know, I start, I’m at a grocery store, and I still kind of start talking to people. And I was like, Wow, and so I, you know, the injury still hurt. But the next day, I’m like, well, I’ll take it again for my training. And then, you know, I started taking just, you know, clean cut, dude, like, a lot of opioid addicts stories. I started taking two pills then three pills that I needed to function. And it was five pills, six pills, seven pills, 20 pills. And back then that was an epidemic. I mean, they were given it out like candy in 2000. I think I started back in 2000, late 2003 Going into 2004. And it was an epidemic. I mean, you could get them from Canada, you could get them so my doctor stopped prescribing them to me. So I found another doctor, you can just pay him under the table. And I just became a junkie, a full-blown junkie man. I was running a bodybuilding company at the time.
Rick Jordan
And that actually helped your lifting. It didn’t know it.
John Vasquez
I mean, I became a mass I was a complete disaster. I mean, in the beginning, I still was doing pretty well. Yeah. But by 2006 years, when the demise really started, what happened was I was a functional opiate addict, I was taking, you know, up to 20 pills a day functioning, running my company, and…
Rick Jordan
-like 20 bikes during the day, and then, you know, a couple of Ambien at night to bring you back down exactly what I was doing.
John Vasquez
The problem though, is that I started to hang around with different crowds because I was changing my frequency I was, you know, buying opiates on the market. So I started to access other drugs and it was just like a clean cut due to a full-blown junkie and I ended up taking an injectable painkiller called NewBay. And then that was that was the demise became extremely addicted to God. I even was running a company, my three-year-old daughter was, you know, I’m just gonna be fully transparent. You know, I was a shitty father man, my daughter was one day it was in her diaper all day, just shitting her diaper. Remember, Mom picked her up, and I just became a complete I don’t know how to say this. Like, I’m trying not to get emotional talking about it. But in 2016 spiral. In July in July 2006. I had, you know, plenty of money in my bank account. But by December 18, 2006, my bank account was empty. I went to Walmart to go Christmas shopping on December 18 for my daughter, and by this time, I was just buying hundreds of dollars worth of drugs a day. And I swiped my debit card. It declined. So I swiped my credit card and declined. I swiped my business card. It declined. I swiped every card and ladies like we keep swiping so I go to the bank and I’d never overdraft in my account my life and they turn the banker turn the screen to me and it was red and she’s like everything’s overdraft man he’s like you have no money and I’m like what? And it was kind of like I was in such a fog for such a long time I was like What do you mean that in the managers like you’re broke and I’m like in all these voices started coming to my head like the gig is overdue like it’s your lies over your the money is gone, you’re in all that insecurity came back and everything and I went to my office I had a company inside of a gym and so I went into the office and I just loaded as much as I could into as many syringes as I could it was an injectable painkiller and first time I’d ever prayed or had access to spirituality ever I’d never was introduced to God or Jesus Christ or anything like any type of spirituality growing up we were in I was raised Catholic but went to church for Easter and you know funerals and I knelt down and prayed to God I was like, Dear God, please forgive me. This is not how I wanted it to end up and I just kept a trench bow to my throat and I set up a mattress so my parents wouldn’t find me lying on the ground. Yeah, and that’s all I remember. And then I woke up that’s where the secret comes in. My phone is ringing if you remember the razor flip phones they had the little o ring on the front of it and so that distinct ring and I was like and this is so wild about thoughts becoming things because I opened my eyes and I’m like, I’m not dead. And I was like the first thought was I can’t even kill myself correctly. That was my first thought. Wow. And so my my I said mom on it, I pick it up. She had no idea that I attempted suicide. She had no idea that it woke me up from this it was 48 hours later, open the phone in my mom’s a very classy lady. And she’s like, I don’t know what the eff is going on with you shouldn’t ever classes or anything. It’s like I don’t know what the eff is going on with you. But you need to read a book called The Secret your grandma just read it. So I went got that book that actually specific book. And I went read the book and I’m like, Oh, my God. I created all of this. Nobody did. People did things, things to me physically but I decided to adopt that as my identity. And that was my thoughts every day I’m not worth it. I’m not worthy. And so, here I am broke. Now I can’t even take care of my three-year-old daughter getting evicted from my apartment drug addict couldn’t even kill myself correctly. I’m like, Well, wait a minute. So what if I just, I mean, I’m at the bottom, there’s no way to go. I didn’t even kill myself. And so I was like, what if I just reframed my thoughts and so I started doing I am affirmations I am powerful. I am strong. I am worthy. I am abundant. I kept repeating In it, you know, I went through this tough love first time, right? Rudel, a man who Rudl. And then I was and also I’m coming off the drugs and so I’m coming off and I just I shouldn’t have done this I rehab my winter my apartment them I was gonna evict had nothing left in there, puked for about a week straight, start getting some hydration going. And then I started to do this thing where I would close my eyes when I say it’s hard for me not gonna motion but I would put my hands on the sink, and I would open my eyes and look in my eyes. And I would say it in, I would look into my eyes and say it. And about a week and a half in I started to believe it. I’m like, Oh, my God and I will start to smile at myself in the mirror. And I’m like, I am powerful. I am strong, the same spelling makes me so I am worthy. I’m abundant. And then, about two weeks later, I started I woke up one day and I’m like, I feel normal. I feel no, I didn’t remember what it felt like to feel normal, like a normal person. And so I remember walking outside, I went for a walk man. I had been so not connected to my body, the beginning of my life up to 31 years old. And then I had never noticed the world. And I was walking and I saw a flower and like that’s a pretty flower. And I was like did I just say that’s a pretty flower?
Rick Jordan
And I was like I didn’t go Yeah, and I went sat down
John Vasquez
at this place called Val Vista Lakes and I went and sat in the grass. Now when I started using my imagination, there’s big lake houses and I’m like, I would picture my my daughter barbecuing picture like getting on like, Oh, no do all this stuff and, and then my life just started to change one opportunity after another man it was just like, and I started to see the change. But from that point on, it was kind of like, it was like I had forgiven my own past. And that’s why I call myself JB John Bosco has died in my mind. And a new person was born, which was JV when JV only had the ability to live, present, and build forward, right. And I realized that actually all the things I was worried about, everybody was worried about themselves.
Rick Jordan
Nobody was really you’re not that special. Right? That’s what you ended up realizing. Yeah. Or yeah,
John Vasquez
or we are all special. Yeah, on our own. And that, you know, and I’m worried about me, you’re worried about you. I’m worried about my family. You know, we’re all you know, great gifts from God. And it’s been Yeah, it’s been this journey for 17 years. And here we are now. Dude, I love it. And there’s a lot in between that. But yeah,
Rick Jordan
I love it when you love every bit of your story. The only thing I don’t love is when you hold back the emotion, you know, and you’re like, I’m gonna get emotional right here. And it’s a, b, I love you. Because you’re like, already, like everybody is captivated for real I am. I know that everybody’s captivated. Because I am. And it’s. And you can just see it like in your eyes, too. And that’s the thing. I mean, most are listening on audio, but it’s like, I’m looking right at you. And it’s just incredible. Especially when he talked about your daughter, dude when she was three,
John Vasquez
Saved my life, man, she saved my life. She’s a beautiful 19-year-old girl turning 20 Now she’s, it’s interesting, because it’s like, for anybody who, man for anybody that’s suffering with addiction, or like, I was not a good father to her from birth to about four years old. And that’s the most essential time for a child their brain development, right? And I put her through hell, she was in crack houses with me buying drugs like she was shit, you know, shitting her diaper like the worst father, you could ever be, right? Her mom was involved too. But when I had her I was just a derelict. Right? All I cared about was drugs. I didn’t care about taking care of her. And what I want to tell people, if anybody’s struggling with that, it’s like me and my daughter had the most phenomenal relationship now. And it was they did a little, it never came out. But they were filming a little documentary about us. And it was neat to actually I think why it happened. I don’t know if the guy just didn’t was lying or why it didn’t come out. But why it happened was because they interviewed they interviewed my daughter. And I’ve always held like, a ton of guilt for putting her through that. It’s like when they interviewed her. She actually actually I actually made a step out of the room because I wanted to be as completely honest as possible. And I sat outside, but it’s actually was next door in my office and I was listening and I’m like, oh my god, and like she. She goes, You know, I don’t remember much about that. But I do remember he was my hero. I was like, oh my god, like, I felt so much guilt for that. And she said what I love about it is I’ve seen what he’s gone through and we lost everything again in 2020, which is which is the Cinderella story. I had a Cinderella story that we lost everything because of the pandemic and she goes I’ve seen what my dad does, when the times are tough, and that’s what made me who I am today. And I’m like, holy shit and I was like it just changed the way that I saw. And now know, I have a son and I this is not ironic. This is divine.
My son was born I committed suicide on December 18, 2006. I had a son on December 18, 2015. And so we named him John Bosco, and it was like she was supposed to be born on December 25. I really believe that God gave me another opportunity only hate to be the it’s not my father didn’t do anything wrong he’s a great human being he did what he knew to do best he provided I just never had a loving relationship with him. So I know that God presented me because God saw that I went through the healing process and he said he gave me a son and a beautiful daughter and now I can do the opposite. Right complete and I always say that even though I don’t have a great relationship with my father, I call him my greatest shaman ever because he has made me a great father because I do the opposite of everything he did. You know, I look my kids in the eyes every day. I love you. I appreciate you you’re powerful. You’re strong and my son I spoke affirmation to know Him in the womb, all the way to now he’s just he’s a monster man. He’s, he’s I was just telling somebody this morning before I came out here he had him for a little bit. And I played Indian flute music, just like positive music all the time. My house, I walk into his room, and he’s sitting there meditating. I’m like, you can’t make this shit. Yeah, it was like, so anybody that out there is maybe suffering with addiction, and you know, you feel your kids see you as a superhero. They really, really do. And it’s like, and no matter how bad it got, she saw the victory that I created through it, right? And it’s like, and you know, just such an awesome, awesome young woman now and so, yeah, anybody who feels guilty and stuff like that, and I still feel guilt. I still do. It’s it’s part of, you know, the growth process.
Rick Jordan
But yeah, yeah. I don’t know if that’s ever completely squashed. Oh, brother.
John Vasquez
Yeah, you know, it’s part of your it’s, it becomes part of your illness, your story, and your identity, right? And it’s like, but I also make sure that I, I talk good to myself, though, that I am a good father that I know, I’m like, I’m healed now. I’m here for her now. And that so when those thoughts come in, I use the affirmations to make sure that I reframe myself because what we’re doing is you know, it’s, you know, we have free will, to think, to walk to talk to act. And the thoughts that we’re currently experiencing now is the future tomorrow. There’s a delay process. Yeah, how I’m feeling today, it’s going to be my Saturday and my Sunday. And the decisions I make today are my Saturday, my Sunday and that’s, that’s the beautiful thing about life. The sun’s gonna come up. The sun came up the next day after I committed suicide, which proved to me that, you know, I call it Jesus Christ. The sun came back up, and it was like, okay, holy shit, I get another chance. And every day, we all get another chance.
Rick Jordan
And yeah, it’s Easter, right? Yeah, it’s powerful. doing another show, they’re like, Oh, yeah. Do you celebrate? I’m like, Well, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s a celebration thing. I just think it’s more of a truth thing. Truth.
John Vasquez
Yeah, truth. Jesus Christ is so real to me, man, God, and Jesus Christ just in. You know, I always love talking about this. This is one of the stuff that’s why I built my own companies because, in corporate America, I couldn’t talk about politics or companies, you can talk about whatever the hell you want. But yeah, it’s like, you know, to me, Christ is so like, people ask me, you know, well, how did you become so successful? I say Christ, like, well explain that it’s really tapping in and tuning into Jesus Christ is the greatest representation of belief. Right? He took undisciplined people and made them disciplined.
Rick Jordan
That’s what disciples carpenter fishermen. Yeah, exactly.
John Vasquez
Yeah, me a broken ass do that, you know, was a junk junky, horrible father, and showed him the way in the light. And it’s not that it’s not that complicated. It’s not, there’s not all these hoops, you have to jump through, it’s like, you know, you hold them in your heart, and you’re kind to people and you know, they’ll be grateful for what you have, and try to love people the best you can and you know, try to see, see goodness and other people, right. And so, that’s been one of my biggest changes to is like, over the past seven years, specifically in the last four is really going through that spiritual walk with Christ and God and you know, and really finding a love for humanity. And that’s what, that’s why I think I was so saved for all this because it’s like, I have such a deep love for humanity. It’s just, it’s just, it’s an amazing thing. Like, I just, I know, we’re all going through a lot right now in our world, in our country. And it’s like, anyone, you know, there’s, there’s all these things happening that are just so dark. But what what I’ve learned is, that the darker it gets, the more we can transmute that light into greatness.
Rick Jordan
You know, I love that. It’s interesting, because it’s, as I age, right, and as I get more deep into it, to myself and into God, my compassion for everybody else, my love for everybody else increases. Yes. And I’ve always been patient, man, you know, and I can see that that’s the same with you for everyone else. But I mean, there’s always days where you’re like, Really, dude, whoever you are, you know. You had to pull that. Yes, but go ahead.
John Vasquez
Yeah, I just want to so I have there’s a gentleman who’s a great spiritual coach that I really honor. And I am constantly like, I realized when I realized I know nothing. I became the smartest man in the world and I realized I had everything I got everything I needed, right and so what I’m just a student of life where We’re out. We’re out in the forest one day, and we’re just talking and like hiking. And I said I’d like to stop. And I said, Who is God-man, like, who is God? And he sucks. I’m just I’m on this path to just find. Just to find myself not not to find God’s I know God has all things and anything he said, Well, let me ask you a question. He said I’m not going to tell you who I think God is. But let me ask you a question. He said, Do you believe God and Jesus Christ are perfect? And I said, Yes. I said, 100%. And he said, So how does God and he said it because God people say, Father, often because it’s masculine, right following the Creator, Father, the Son, the Son of the Earth is mother Gaia, the two become one. And so he said, How does the Father God know that he or it is perfect? And I’m like, That’s a great question. He’s like, through you. He’s like, he comes here through you to experience imperfection to remember how perfect he actually is. And he’s like, so imagine a world he said, You will have to believe this. But imagine a world where everybody you look, including me in the eyes right now, that I am made in the likeness image of God. And he said, if you saw God face to face, how would you treat God? I was like, I was like, wow, he said, just adopt that. And you’ll be close to God. He’s like, you’re What if you would, if you’re talking to God, and I’m talking to God, and we’re all God experienced imperfection. And at any point, we have free will to make a decision, we can think we can walk, we can talk, and we can control our emotions, right? But this whole ecosystem that’s been created, whether it’s the devil being the principal, earth, whatever it is, has, or for me, let me just speak from my personal experience, like my own awakening process, like something within the physical world made me believe I wasn’t worthy, which pushed me deep in the left hemisphere of the brain, which was facts, figures, numbers, logic, but I became illogical and started to speak, goodness into myself. Which is that right, then I started operating the right hemisphere, and I started to create different things. Now I operate in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is creation, and intuition, which brings things in 3d form. So when I realized my power, in my thought, My power and being able to control my actions, and most of all my emotions through the process of creation, because in the process of creation, there must be density for things to come into form, right? So to become one, you have a child, that’s exciting, hey, we’re pregnant, we’re having a baby. And another mother has to go through this crazy birthing process. It’s, the violent process for the baby to come into form, right? And that’s how creation works. So when we decide, we think of something that’s exciting, we go to build the business, we get the business plan, we get the money, it’s fun, then you start actually building the business, and then all the density kicks in, right? And then then it becomes dense, becomes imperfect. And all of a sudden, yeah, yeah, it’s, I learned that this process is happening at a micro level in all of us in the macro level in the world. And if we all realize that we are actually the cause and effect of all this, then there would be peace and prosperity. But that’s not what the design is, it’s for each person to figure out who they are within this experience, you know, yeah, for sure.
Rick Jordan
You mentioned something a little while back. And I love this because I’m not talking much for you. Know, bizarre, like I’m saying, literally, I love this, because of just soaking everything in these, that you’re saying that when you said that, once you realize you had everything you needed, you know, then you got everything that came after that, I don’t remember exactly how you said that you said a lot more eloquently than I did just did it, it was a start to think of the concept. Because there’s often as long as we’re on God and spirituality, there’s often a concept of, you know, pray for what you want, you know, God will provide. And my thought process has already been, that he already did. Yeah. It’s like, you’ve got all of these things in front of you, you know, and he’s just waiting for you to be like, oh, there it is. Yeah, and to actually do something with that, you know, it’s almost like one person wants to describe it to me use the illustration of like checkers, you know, it’s kind of like it is literally that to where it’s like you cannot skip moves. You know, when God moves and gives you something, it’s like, now it’s up to you to move. Now it’s up to you to do something with what he laid out in front of you. Because it’s like, you know, you see these things, it’s like, what are you talking about, you know, there’s somebody like on an island, you know, or drowning or something like that. It’s I’ve seen this illustration a lot of times before, and it’s like, you know, the boat goes by, hey, you know, come on, what will save it’s like, no, no, nothing. So I’m waiting for God to save me, you know, and then then a plane comes by and it’s like, no, no, no, no, thanks. I’m waiting for God to save me. You know, and then something else. It’s like an animal or something like that comes by, like Hop on my back or whatever, you know, a whale, you know? No, thanks. I’m waiting for God to save me. And then he dies. He drowns and then up and it’s like, God, why didn’t you say music? What are you talking about essential boats and such a plane? It’s such a freakin whale. You know, everything that you needed was right there in front of you. And I truly believe that it’s, I think there’s a minimization of God that exists in our culture. 100% You know, it’s 100% Isn’t he big enough to where he literally just gave you everything you need? already? Sure you can build skill sets over time or whatever. But it’s like he imparted that into you literally when you were born.
John Vasquez
Yes, yeah, if you can, this is the truth. If you can think of it, it can be created. Yeah. That’s a fact day all day. God is everything. God is nothing God is all things God has always been. There is no like God is is the beginning of creation is a thought. It’s a thought like it like, Oh, I love this conversation. And so like, I love going back to Jesus, because I’m obsessed with Jesus’s life and studying every angle like like, you like, for example, like this is this is one thing that I share with people a lot. And because I just love to learn. And I said to somebody, one time a Christian was pushing back on how I talked about Jesus and consciousness. And I said, Well, let me ask you a question. I said, Where was Jesus at for 18 years? And he was like, I don’t know. And like, I said, my friend, I said, if you if you’re my friend, I said, if you disappeared, I swore acquaintances. I mean, you know, you’re pushing back on my belief system. I said, if you disappeared for 18 years, I know who you are, and you came back on a donkey. You’re, you’re the king of the world like everybody’s calling you Messiah, blah, blah, blah. And you came back on a donkey with Birkenstocks and a sheath around you. I’d be like, Where the hell have you been? For real every Christian, I talked to you or people, never asks where Jesus is, there’s only one verse and it’s in the Old Testament that says he grew in relationship with man and God. If you were gone for 18 years, I would ask you now he comes back on a donkey, why did he come back on a donkey, he was humbled to have donkeys representing abilities, he came back.
And if, if you’re the king of the world, you’d be on a stallion, right? Like, so then he goes to all these there’s all these Pharisees and they’re wearing these these amazing, they got these big churches and stuff. And he says, sit in the back in the church, leave it to the front. So he goes and finds people like me, a drug addict, and he’s like, Hey, yo, hey, listen, I know, I know that should happen to you as a kid. I know you don’t believe in yourself. He’s like, but I’m here to tell you that I’m in you, like you’re made in my not likeness and image, you can do this. You have to believe in yourself. But unless you believe in yourself, I cannot pray for you. And he starts to empower these people. And he started to teach them the secret. They’re like, Oh, I am powerful. I am strong, I am worthy. And then he walks up to when a guy in a mat, who’s waiting for a fountain who’s waiting for Trump to come back waiting for Jesus to come out of the sky. You get to that fountain where he’s paralyzed. Everybody’s jumping over him. Yeah. And he looks at the guy in the eyes, and they’re all like Jesus, they’re gonna He’s like, whatever you watch. It looks in the guys. I said, Do you want to be saved? And the guy says, Yes. He says, Pick up your mat and walk. And then he tells another guy, he’s like, Hey, listen, the guy is blind. And he’s like, Well, this guy’s not going to believe me that I could get him to heal himself. So I’m going to have him put mud on his eyes. If I can get him to believe that this mud has some type of magical powers. Now he believes that something, maybe it’s, what’s it called sublingual. Like he is sublingual. He’s like puts the mud on there. So this is Magic Mud. And he’s like, as long as you believe it’s something and so I started and then he gets on this sermon on the mountain. Sorry, if I say it incorrectly Sermon on the Mount, and he inverts everything. He’s like, slap me on one cheek he used to be I for nice, like, slap me on one cheek, I’ll let you slap me on the other. You sue me for my shirt. I’m gonna give you my jacket. You told me to walk a mile I’m gonna walk to and so how I interpreted that was there’s a lot of physicality happening within the world. There are a lot of people telling you how to believe in God and how to do this and you got to jump through hoops. You got to do all this stuff. And Jesus, like who led all that physical gold he’s like to get in the kingdom of heaven is to be like these lowly children are like, what does that mean? The reason why he taught children first is because they had no conscious mind. So when we get to think and stinking when we start thinking stinking at eight years old, and we get conscious way from eight to 80, we mess it all up. And we set it, we forget that we already can do it. And so we’re praying God, please help me God, please help me. I need a job. He’s like McDonald’s is hiring a man. Yeah, right. For sure.
Rick Jordan
Dude, I did that. I did stand up on Broadway a couple of years ago. And that was one joke in my mind. I did for real. Yeah. I was like, I used to get these things. Because I’m an ordained pastor. Right, to help plant three churches, right? That’s it. Yeah, no, no, I do this. It’s fun. It’s amazing. Oh, my God, that was up there. And I was like, you know, I used to get all these people. It’s like, oh, oh, you know, Pastor pray for me. You know, I just got laid off. You know, I really, really need a job, you know? And it’s like man, it’s like, What in the world is like, you just got the offer over there. I’m like, you know, hurry up. Taco Bell won’t be hiring forever, you know? Yes. Yeah. Are there they are laid off and like, you know, I got this. I got this offer, but I just don’t think that’s what God wants for me. You know, and it’s like, oh my gosh, but then it’s in a scenario like you’re describing yourself. It’s like you’ve got you literally go from something to absolutely nothing like no income coming in whatsoever. And then it’s like, well, if it’s right there, you said McDonald’s, but it’s like Hurry up. Taco Bell is gonna hire somebody else. Yes.
John Vasquez
And so like what happened for me is like in 2020, like, so I Leave corporate America. So I committed suicide I’d read the secret and ended up getting a banking job. It was crazy, like the most unlikely job ever. I have severe dyslexia. I found that out in the military was crazy. I thought, you know, in school, everything that could have gone wrong in school, like everything is a child, it was just like, but I’m grateful because it made me who I am today. But yeah, um, I didn’t even know I had dyslexia all through school, they were putting me in this, you know, different classes and stuff. Because of it. They didn’t they never tested me for dyslexia. So I’m in the military. And I’m going through all these classes, I keep failing tests, and the guys like, let me verbally test you and I aced it. He’s like, I think you have dyslexia man. So they tested me I found in the military, that I have dyslexia. And so I’m like, so I have dyslexia like I’m, you know, I’m not a failed bodybuilder, failed business owner, drug addict. And because of the secret or belief in myself, the guy that helped me get through this, he calls me up one day, and he’s like, hey, I want you to interview for this job. And I’m like, I will clean the toilets. Dude, I don’t care. I need to pay the rent. So he’s like, so I, he said, it’s a banker job. And I’m like a banker job. I’m like, I don’t care too. So I wouldn’t get a suit. I think I still have the suit in a box in my garage. And I bought it at a Goodwill like a thrift store. I had no money at this point, like 50 cents, I bought the suit and a shelf is an oversized suit. And this lady Laurie Schmidt interviewed me I love this lady for the rest of my life. And she interviewing with her and I’m like, I keep thinking about my daughter, and I’m doing the affirmations and like, Okay, we’re gonna have, we’re gonna get an apartment and a house. And I meet with her and I go through the process. And at the end of the interview, I said, Laurie, I don’t remember exactly what I said. But I was like, if you hire me, I promise you, I will be the best employee you’ve ever brought on board. So I leave and I’m like,
There’s no way. I mean, there were people who interviewed their banker, it’s a bank. And so she calls me 15 minutes later, and she says, Hey, Laurie, my heart drops and she’s like, Hey, we’re gonna hire you. And I said, really? And I said I’m not gonna clean the toilets, like, well, she’s like, we’re gonna hire you. As a banker. She said, we can train you, she said something powerful. She said we like your energy. And I was like, that’s weird. In that was like, okay, so then I go, I go in there, I did very well as a banker, and I’m getting my own bank branch. And then I moved up to executive really fast to VP. And when I got hired for the next two positions, I wasn’t the most qualified education-wise, but both of them said, we like your energy energy. And I’m like, What the hell is this energy thing? And so I got this in the bank, and then that energy thing started to change. People said, your energy, like you fell off because now I was doing something. And I have another addiction. Now, is edification is back. Now I’m a banker, the 535 by BMW, keeping up with the Joneses, the VP of BMW, so I need to get a BMW. And I was just like, so now I have this new addiction of keeping up with everybody, right? Because now that’s a Cinderella story. I went to school, got a job got a 401k. And I’m like, This is life, man. So I go through recovery, do the secret and now I’m miserable. In my banking job, absolutely. met my wife.
My daughter actually talked about that, while she was in my dad was, you know, we had a lot of money. You know, we were doing very well, we were going on trips, my dad was always stressed out, always focused on like, when or was our vacation going to be over? I followed my gut feeling. I walked out of corporate America in 2017. I walked out. And, and that’s when life really changed me. That’s what the conversation we just had, I went from brain for stuff, and thanking God for the things that were already created. And it changed my life. It was like, it’s because every day I do this, my son does my daughter’s like, Thank you, God, so much for our billion-dollar ecosystem. And I’m very, very, very intentional on what I mean by billion-dollar ecosystem schooling systems, resources, you know, programs, or single moms, all these different things, and God is providing that stuff. I mean, we’re not a $2 billion, multi-million dollar ecosystem, now we’re building but what I encourage people is to get out of that lack of lack of thinking that it’s something it’s inside of you. It’s a connection to the field and frequency, all possibilities exist. If you really believe in God, then all possibilities exist. They all exist. Wow. Wow, you just have to connect to it.
Rick Jordan
That’s so freakin powerful, man. I mean, we could probably even go off on like the physicality of that to have thought, you know, to your muscles and everything else. It’s like, I see. I know that it was an I watched a documentary in 2013 called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. And it’s, uh, it’s probably still on Netflix, you know? And it was this dude who started juicing, you know, but it was more not so much that he just started juicing. He just started understanding and started thinking the thoughts exactly what you’re saying. It’s like, this is going to be what gets me healthy, it’s going to hear my liver problems is going to cure my, my kidney problems, you know, it’s going to allow me to be of a healthy weight, you know, and I was very overweight at the time I was 80 pounds heavier than I am right now. And in that process, you know, I’d looked at that I’m like, huh, and then this dude walked down the hall at a movie theater. I love this. And it’s like, he just looked at me. He’s like, what’s up chubby? I was like, Well, yeah, I was like, just I didn’t know him. Not Not at all. Oh my god. Yeah. So I mean, it was kind of flavor guessed it, you know, I love that. Yeah, that’s one of my favorite words on the planet. But it was that and it’s like, when I started to do that I lost the weight. But then when I say, you know, I really didn’t put on the muscle mass that I have now, until a couple of years ago, you know, but I started recognizing in my workouts when I would lift that, because I used to do I mean, even like this right MacBook, right, I used to, like, have my MacBook open while I was working out. I used to have my phone open while I was working on it’s like, I can catch up on a couple of emails, you know, I can get this done, you know, like it like in the rest sets in between. Yeah, but when I started to see the progress, it was when I just focused, literally, with my mind focused on the exact muscle group that I was working on. And I was like, Oh, my goodness, the even in that. It’s like the power of thought goes into literally your body. Imagine the power of thought, like you’re talking about that can go into every aspect of your life. Yes. And I love that love that we ended up talking about God and Jesus Christ today. Because for everybody that doesn’t believe or is like on the fence, if they’re like a persuadable, you know, whatever it is, it’s like fine. If you don’t want to, that’s all good. But understand, which I do is that there’s still this stuff like quantum energy that exists. You know, and I fully believe that I mean, we believe in God Almighty, who actually created that, right? Literally, that energy thing that you’re talking about. It’s an energy exchange that happens between two people.
John Vasquez
Yeah, yes. That’s so like, we’ll go deeper into like, this is what I believe Jesus was teaching. And this is this. Yeah, people get upset at me when I talk about this stuff. But he comes back and I’m just I have a logical circuit in my brain. I don’t know if his dyslexia but my brain looks at logic. And I read the Bible as a living organism, not a history book. I read the Bible as a living organism, like okay, and the deeper I go, and the more I spend time with God and build a relationship with God, like a relationship, like I now communicate with God, I’m like, no, sorry about that. I now sorry about this right now.
Rick Jordan
God, it was perfect.
John Vasquez
I know. It’s great.
Rick Jordan
I know.
John Vasquez
I know communicate with God. And what I mean by that is like, I’m not a god, but I’m having a conversation with my father. Yeah. And I can stop for a moment I’m in I say, well into a tour of this church when two or more gathered and so the studies that I’m doing of Jesus and you know, he was gone for 18 years he comes back he’s like, wait a minute, something’s not right here. Like we’re not teaching relationships like there’s something not right here. All these people are chasing this esoteric thing outside of themselves. Yeah. Right. They think it’s this outside in effect when it’s from the inside out, right? And then they start talking about there are so many things and you know, you know, you’ve been an ordained Pastor, I would love to get coaching around this, like, I’ve been studying Moses goes to a burning bush, he goes up into the right and he didn’t see God face to face. Somebody corrected me on the stockman’s back or something. We got pretty close to God. Right? And right when he gets to God, what does he say? Tells him everything wrong with him. I’ve had a speech impediment, I have a limp, blah, blah, blah, and gods like, Oh, we’re not playing. Right on? Yeah, like from here on out. You are or not, sorry. I am in the Bible. The Great I Am and that goes into the secret. Yeah. So Moses comes down, he turns a snake into a staff, right? It’s interesting, it turns a snake into us. Now he has competence. His spine is taught. Yeah. And he comes down, he goes to the slaves, he flees into the Israelites, they go to the Red Sea.
They part the Red Sea, and they’re all excited and they’re free. And then they go into the desert. And they lose faith just like us they lose face and what does God do? He sends snakes again to bite them. But in the Bible, it says take the snake, put it on the cross, and bronze it and face that. Yeah, like that’s what you’re creating that it’s your thoughts, your behaviors, your actions, put it on the cross and Bronson, nobody’s coming to save you. Then they’re fishing in a boat, right? They’re fishing in a boat. Jesus is standing on the water, you’re gonna be on the water, right? And these guys are fishing on the left side of the boat, the fishing on the left side of the boat. He’s like, cast your nets to the right. So they throw it to the right in catch 153 fish one plus five plus three is nine. Yeah, right. And the nine number nine keeps coming up over and over again in the Bible and they catch a bunch of fish which is wisdom. And underneath the ocean is this big, deep, subconscious mind. So they’re bringing the wisdom to the surface. And then he says I don’t remember was a Jacob one of them comes out onto the water and starts to get the weather Peter sorry, Peter. Yeah, so he comes on the water and he starts He gets scared loses faith, and starts falling down. And all the subconscious mind programming comes up with all his fears and anxieties. He’s like no rise above that. You’re in the right hemisphere. Now you’re like the children be creative. They believe in yourself. And then Peter or Jacob sees God face to face. Yeah. He calls it pineal. He falls asleep on a rock he looks at it. There’s a ladder going up and down to God and it’s like so I started to like instead of arguing with people I’m like, I’m just going to apply these teachings to my life. Yeah, I’m going to apply Brian in my closet I pray on Twitter as well but my my thought process around that is like well if Jacob so Jacob I was at pineal, right, the pineal gland activated. So I looked well how does the pineal gland work? When you’re in darkness, your pineal gland activates your pineal gland is your thoughts so when you’re thinking when your pineal gland is activated, when I opened my eyes, that’s the reality that I’m facing, like the secret. So I’m like, so when I’m alone, in my thoughts, I should be raising my frequency because 95% of the time we’re unconsciously walking through life, and only 5% of the time, we are actually imagining and creating, right, it’s insane.
Rick Jordan
When somebody can handle only like 30 data points, but your subconscious mind your unconscious mind can handle Yeah, exactly. It is exponential. Beyond that, you know, it’s into the 10s of 1000s. One I’ve seen. Yes, yes. Instantly.
John Vasquez
Yeah. Instantly. So what yes, that love it. So they’re pulling the fish to the surface, which is wisdom. It’s like, oh, wait, it’s all inside of me. Okay, I can do this. And, and it gets so convoluted, like, you know, we have a war over religion or over God and war over this. And it’s like, I really believe that Jesus was like, you guys, it’s about relationship. It’s about a relationship with your father and then right, but I think it was, you know, soon before He was crucified, and then he goes to pray to God, and he’s like, and I don’t remember the exact prayer but he’s like, why helped me father, he’s like, kind of goes from that belief to begging, like the person looking for a job and God stops talking to him. God’s like, were you talking to me? Then the devil pops up on his right side, on his right side. So it’s so for me, I’m like, okay, so if I take the Bible as a living organism, so when I start begging God, God like, I don’t deal with beggars. We don’t do that. I’m the great I am like you your that’s not me. You’re talking to the devil. The devil is the prince of the earth. So you’re not going to believe in yourself. You’re going to hang out with your lower carnal mind, which is the devil. If you want to do that you have free will to do that. But I’m over here like I’m, I’m in the creative state of mind. I believe in you. I freaking love you with all my heart. I’m never going to forsake you, JV. I was in the crack house with you with your daughter, I never forsake you. you forsake me, you, you, you took free to move. I was always with you. I was sitting right next to her all the time. And the prodigal son. And so I started to apply these, these actual stories to my life, because here’s what happened to me as I went to a church. In these, I was in a Bible study. And I’ve seen pretty bad this like really bad selection. And so they were I’m not a theologian, I couldn’t memorize the verses like they did. And so we’d go to this Bible study. And these gentlemen, I watch how people live their lives.
That’s how you determine whether you’re a Christian or not. Right. So and I would, you know, they were they were really good. They could spy Bible verses, you know, they were, they would be on stage speaking. And I’m like, and I was kind of enthralled by that. So I was trying to learn about Christ. And we were going to this, you know, breakfast thing, and we do our Bible study. And they’d be like, Did you do your Did you remember? I’m like, I guys, I understand what we’re talking about. But I want to ask you guys a question. I said you guys can know the Bible verses, but I see you on Facebook, I see you playing poker with your buddies, and you’re not paying attention to your wives or spouses. You don’t seem to be connected with your kids. I said, Isn’t that what Christianity is not what being a Christian is? Shouldn’t we be doing good work? And they got so pissed at me. And I said, I’m just gonna do I keep I said, I keep it real. Yeah. And so that pissed me off. And so they got upset at me. So I went on my own mission, I’m like, I’m going to go read this book as if it’s a living organism. And no matter how long it takes me to read it, no matter how many people I need to talk to, I just started learning from different people. And then somebody comes to me and says, Hey, your belief system is wrong, especially when I talk like that about the right hemisphere of the brain. They say your belief system is wrong. I said, Why do you believe what you believe? That’s my question. Yeah. And they’ll say to me, Well, my pastor told me that so why, so why do you believe it though? Yeah. Have you applied this to your life? How is Christ working in your life? And the answers he’s like, wow, I never thought about that. And like, you should, you should start thinking about it. We should all start thinking. We should start thinking, yeah, if we did if we all started thinking, because, you know, like, we got the craziest presidential election coming up in human history. It’s like, everybody’s waiting for a savior to come back. Everybody’s waiting for Jesus to come out of the sky or Trump to come and save. And then it’s like, Dude, Ilaugh.
Rick Jordan
I look at the choices.
John Vasquez
Like it’s like, yeah,
Rick Jordan
it’s comical in some ways, you know, it’s
John Vasquez
Man, it’s it’s, it’s like a historical pattern that keeps repeating it is. Absolutely it is. It’s like Jesus his timeline. It’s like looking at the Pharisees. And it’s just like, what, come on, guys. Like, let’s just go build together, let’s expand consciousness together. And that’s what’s beautiful about this timeline. What I believe is that, this is a beautiful timeline. It’s almost like a Christ Consciousness timeline. I believe that Christ is awakening people right now, and I said this now, I would love to hear your thoughts on this is somebody asked me how can you believe in Jesus so much. I said, I said, this is the way I think about it. If I went to every adult in the world, and I asked him, Have you ever heard of Jesus? Have you ever heard of Jesus? They probably say yes. Would you agree? Yeah, for the most part, if every single adult says yes. Why he’s the biggest influencer in the world. So wouldn’t that mean he’s in us if everybody knows who he is? Yeah. How could somebody know One person He’s the number one influencer you know, it’s not Charlie Demiral on TikTok, it’s not the rock. It’s Jesus Christ. What do you hate them or love them? You know, he’s undefeated. You know, he is undefeated, they kill them and we still can’t keep them out of our mouths. He’s the top G Man. For real.
Rick Jordan
My man My mind went to it’s like you said like, He’s the number one influence with the Bible is literally like the number one bookseller every single year to, you know, I don’t know why Trump thinks he has to help that along with his $59 USA Bible.
John Vasquez
It’s, it’s so interesting. And what I realized, too, is it was a I had a really funny moment with my coach. And it was like, sometimes I get caught in these rabbit holes. I study a lot. And I was like, Yeah, somebody asked me if the Earth was flat. And so I started looking at flatter stuff. And uh, you know, it’s convincing, blah, blah, blah. And I went to him, and I just love my coach. And he was like, I go, Hey, man, what do you think he’s really smart? I said, is the earth flat? Do and he goes, Okay, JB, the earth is flat. Cool. He goes, what are you going to do tomorrow? He goes, there’s a square now? What are your activities and behaviors you’re going to do? And who’s who cares? Is it’s square? There’s his green. He goes, what are you going to do when you wake up? How are you going to treat your kids? If it flat? What does it do for you? Nothing. He’s like, everybody’s spending so much energy. Entertain that
Rick Jordan
thought, because I’d be the guy that was like, I’m gonna go find one of the corners. I want to see what the corner looks like.
John Vasquez
The whole point of what is this is, like, everybody’s waiting for something when it’s all inside of you. And it’s what I believe is it’s all hidden in plain sight, waiting for you to find it and make the path to light difficult so that we can where it will not follow and where God is not weak. God is not where are you, God? God is discipline. God is that’s what disciples are. God is. And so I was like, the more disciplined I become in my spiritual life, my financial life, my mental life, the more I know Christ, and I believe that’s what I think that’s what being a disciple is.
Rick Jordan
At least we’ll figure that out along the way, I think. Yeah, sure. Exactly. Dude, I’ve had such an amazing time. Just soaking everything in today. You’ve said, I appreciate who you are. I’d love to meet your daughter someday, too. I’d love for my daughter to meet your daughter. You know. She’s amazing. That’s awesome. Minor. My twins are 16. Boys. Yeah, so close-ish. Right. Yeah, but it’s a man, I commend you. I do. And, uh, you know, I know you don’t need it, I get that, you know, but at the same time, I want to tell you that I see you, I see that they see the guilt that you still carry. You know, I see the ability that you’ve had to rise above all of that because you’ve recognized that you’ve literally had everything the whole time. You know, and I love that you are in this world, because you’re able to help every single one of those 2 million subscribers see the same thing. And it’s like, even stuff like this, you have seriously enriched my life today. Thank you on this Good Friday. And it’s like, the pleasure seriously is all mine. And I don’t know how we got connected and how I ended up getting you booked, you know because it’s that’s my team and everybody else. But dude, you’re amazing. And I appreciate you, Brother, keep shining, keep shining, keep showing people that energy vibe, too. Because you can feel it. That was the one thing I was gonna say earlier. It’s like for people that don’t believe in God, you know, but when we were talking about quantum energy, it’s like, Have you ever had somebody just like, walk up to you, and all of a sudden you just feel off? Get off with that’s exactly without speaking any kind of words whatsoever. It’s like all they have to do is enter your space, you know, within about six feet of you and you can just feel it likewise. Just like you and Linda, I think you said her name was right. The interviewer Laurie Schmidt, Laurie Schmidt. That’s it. Yeah, same scenario. It’s like you walk into that they’re like, man, there’s something
John Vasquez
powerful. How many feet apart? Did they have us during the pandemic? Yeah, six feet. We didn’t want to send each other’s auric field, man. Yeah. Right. We couldn’t connect with each other man. We couldn’t connect.
Rick Jordan
It’s horrible. I don’t zoom dates as a first date. stuff for sure man.
John Vasquez
Great thing about it is to look where you know it connected. Things like this. Like that’s you know, it took us I mean, it was a pandemic that ended up becoming the greatest thing that ever happened to our shark. I mean, it was like a magnet the coolest people since that. That’s awesome.
Rick Jordan
Thank you, brother. Thank you for everything we’re seeing everyone find you.
John Vasquez
Simply coach JB like a Junior Varsity coach at JV or the three T warrior academy.com. Everything will come up three tiers and Tom for your company.com nice
Rick Jordan
brother. I’m gonna go on there too. I need to I want to level things up. I’m doing pretty good with fitness. But I want to level things up. I see your arms dude. Awesome, man. Thanks, brother for coming on here. Awesome. Awesome.
John Vasquez
Thank you