About the Episode:
Hey, I’m Rick Jordan, and today we’re going all in on something most people overlook—taking a moment to recognize how far they’ve come. Let’s face it: we get so caught up in the daily grind that we rarely stop to look around and appreciate our progress. Today, I’m challenging you to pause, pick your head up, and ask yourself: are you living in the daydream you had five years ago? For a lot of us, we’re closer than we realize, but we miss it because we’re always pushing toward the next goal. This episode is about giving yourself the credit you deserve, finding motivation in what you’ve already accomplished, and realizing that if you want to live your future dreams, action starts now.
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Episode Topics:
- Discover why you might already be living part of your five-year-old dream.
- Learn how to use your progress as fuel to keep pushing forward.
- Get inspired to stop, reflect, and acknowledge your growth.
- Find out why taking action today sets you up for your future daydreams.
- Shift your focus from what’s next to appreciating what’s now.
What’s shaking? Hey, I’m Rick Jordan. Today, we’re going all in. There might have been a thought that you had, maybe like five years ago, was something right? Just put yourself in those shoes because it’s time to give yourself some compassion. That’s what today is all about, and thinking about where you were five years ago compared to right now, and this is something I have to even work with my team internally on some occasions when they’re like, you know because you get so focused in on what you’re working on right now, it’s hard. And even for me, sometimes it’s hard to actually recognize how far you’ve come. It can be tough that way, because when you’re so tunnel-visioned on what you’re doing right now and the grind if you want to call it that, it’s difficult to think about everything that led up to that point. Because I want to encourage you today to have compassion for yourself, because remember five years ago, you were dreaming about where you are right now. And for most of you that I’m talking to, this is actually the case because you’ve made progress, you’ve grown, you’ve learned new things, you’ve taken those learnings, applied them, taken action, and now you’ve created something in your life as a result of those five years. Because of that thought, because of that dream. I did an episode on the dreamer, can never stop dreaming, otherwise, the dream is dead, right? I did that a little while ago, but that dream you took action on, and five years ago, that’s all that it was. And today you’re actually living in it. It was like towards the last episode of
The Office.
I remember, if you’ve ever watched that, that it was the character of Andy who said, you know, I wish that when you’re living in the golden years, or you’re living in the good days that you actually knew that you were in them, right? Because you can look back and say, oh my gosh, those were the good years, right? Or that those were the golden years of this. You know, I was at the pinnacle, at the peak, but it rarely ever feels like that when you’re actually in it. It’s only like hindsight that you’re looking back. And I’m trying to do this in my life, is to become aware, raise my level of awareness, of what’s going on around me. And the only way to do that is to take little moments and sit back and reflect. This is something that you can do every Friday. This is something that you could do once a month, if you want, is just review and sit back nothing else going on but just list all the things that were like, Oh, wow. That was pretty awesome, like the past month, and then you just start to look compared to where you were five years ago, because you could be living in your good days right now.
But you can’t tell that you’re there, because your head is just down the whole time your work is right there in front of you, and whatever is right there in front of you, you’re taking a look and like, I’m gonna get through this now, I got this to do, I got that to do. I got this to do. I got that to do. And then, if you could only just for a moment, pick your head up and take a look around, be like, Oh my gosh, I am literally living in my Daydream from five years ago. Now, if you pick your head up and you look around like, Oh, this is pretty crappy. You’re like, remember when I used to think I could do that? Remember when I used to think I could do that? And you’d start looking at yourself in the mirror? It’s like, what happened to you? I can tell you the singular reason why you are not living today your Daydream from five years ago is because you never made a choice to take action. Your dream became a hope. Your hope became just a faint thought, and then your faint thought just became something that you had wished for. In order for you to live your Daydream today, or your Daydream from five years ago today, you would have had to take action. So today, if that’s you, when you pick your head up and you don’t like what you’re seeing looking around, today is the day for you to start dreaming again.
Today is the day to close your eyes and be like, you know, what? If I can have any vision around me don’t look at it from this way. Be like, Hey, five years from now, I want to be there. Not that at all. If you can close your eyes and say, What do I want to like if, in order for me to smile right here, what would I see around me? What would be happening? Who’s it happening with? And then after you have that, you can start to take action on that in order, for five years from now to live in your day. Dream from today. But for most of you, all I’m saying to do today is to pick your head up and look around, because it is likely that whatever you dreamt of five years ago, you can see some of that in your life today, and that’s what will encourage you, give you motivation and inspiration, a push to continue to press on until that Daydream is everywhere your head turns. I’m excited for you, because today is the day you lift your head up and you look around and you open your eyes and recognize how far you’ve come, and it will show you because it is proof of how far you will go, GO ALL IN.