About the Episode:
In this empowering episode of “ALL IN with Rick Jordan,” I delve into the transformative power of generosity and how it can reshape your relationship with money. I share my personal journey with Reach Out technology and our support for the Unstoppable Foundation, emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurship in breaking cycles of poverty. I challenge the conventional wisdom that ‘cash is king,’ advocating instead for a dynamic approach where cash flow reigns supreme. This episode is not just about making money; it’s about making a difference. I discuss practical strategies for personal financial growth, like smart investing and understanding cash value life insurance, and how these can lead to a legacy of wealth. But, the core message is clear: true abundance comes from allowing money to flow through you to benefit others. This December, I challenge you to join me in a journey of generosity and see how it transforms your life and those around you.
Listen to the podcast here:
Watch the episode here:
- Discover how supporting others can revolutionize your financial mindset.
- Learn practical tips for growing personal wealth and breaking free from scarcity.
- Understand why cash flow is more crucial than cash in hand.
- Get inspired by Rick Jordan’s personal journey of entrepreneurship and generosity.
- Join a unique December challenge that could change your perspective on money and life.
What’s shakin’?, hey, I’m Rick Jordan. Today, we’re going all in. There are some things with Reachout that you might not know. And it’s that we actually support a pretty awesome organization called The Unstoppable Foundation. And if you actually listen to the podcast at all, I just had the CEO of the Unstoppable Foundation on the podcast just a little bit ago. So go back, and listen to that. It was an awesome show. And I want to talk about some things today, because this week, there’s a show called Office Hours that I went out to Vegas and filmed a couple of episodes, it was the third season that I was on there. And this coming season, we are actually the title sponsor, because of our relationship with the Unstoppable Foundation, how much reach-out technology supports the Unstoppable Foundation, I’m gonna tell you a little bit about what they do. But I want you to go back and listen to that episode because it’s pretty cool. Cynthia is the CEO. She’s amazing. I also work with Janet over there, she’s awesome.
This is the unstoppable Foundation, they do a lot of things in the country of Kenya. And one of the biggest things they do, which we support is these enrichment centers and enrichment centers, they’re actually teaching the parents of these family units, how to become entrepreneurs because they’ve identified that in order to break the cycle of poverty that exists within this country, that sending food sending water and everything sure basic human needs, but the only way to break those cycles is to actually teach the families a different way of life away to where they can actually generate income of their own, and break the cycle of poverty. So based on that, too, they also established schools, primary schools, and everything else. And we’re just so grateful to I’m so grateful, personally, to be a part of it. But as an organization, to be able to support something like this is awesome, because obviously, I believe in entrepreneurship, I mean, take a look at Reachout going from literally one person, me all the way to being a public company.
Over the course of a decade, I fully believe in entrepreneurship, it’s freaking awesome. And it’s one of the best ways to try to create these things. And that’s what we’re teaching people in Kenya. So it’s not a lot that I talk about this stuff. And but I want you to know, especially for maybe some new people, right, that are watching that are listening, that there’s a relationship to have with money. And we’ll talk about that in a little bit. First, I want to show you these things. So if you’re on video, you’ll see these photos, if not, we’re going to link them okay, and you’ll be able to see them anyway. But take a look at this. I mean, these are some families, like people that we directly support. Okay, these families that we directly support you can keep cycling through to because it’s, these are at some of the enrichment centers. So the kids get part of the primary school while the parents are learning how to be business people in Kenya. It’s awesome, right? That’s one of the primary schools that you can see right there.
It’s incredible because now we’re teaching for generations to come. It’s awesome because Reachout has given multiple six figures every single year, for the last two years to this organization. And what it does is, these enrichment centers cost only about $150,000, to build. That’s it, it’s less than most of the homes that you probably live in way less than most of the homes and we’re building these enrichment centers, and it funds them for an entire year. You know, I’m getting to the point where it’s like, we want to spot we would love to sponsor an entire Enrichment Center every single year. It’s incredible. And that way, we’re spreading the love around the world. And this month, too, you’re going to hear me talk a lot about money in dollars, because I mean, people overspend at Christmas time, they just do.
They put a lot of money into credit cards, and they’re spending the next six months of the year following just to try to come out of that, right? There are a lot of things that we’re going to talk about this month in relation to money. When you look at this stuff, I’m gonna explain to you how money works in my life. Okay, you’ve probably heard that cash is king, right? Well, I don’t really believe that cash is king, I believe that cash flow is king. And cash can be queen. Because unless you have cash flow in your life, to be able to have things come through you and go out to other people. There’s no purpose and you will never see an abundance in your life. Why? Because you’re living in a mode of scarcity. And this isn’t the way that Reachout operates.
This isn’t the way that I personally operate. We’re always looking for cash flow. And the best thing that you can possibly do is understand that money is meant to flow through you. Money is meant to continue to flow through you to everybody else who then becomes around you. Whether that’s your own family, right? Because you can build wealth, you can build a legacy for your kids. There are ways to do that. Even with working for another company. There’s a lot of ways to do that. There’s a lot of good ways to do that. Like you’ve heard like 401k Right, I’m gonna give you some tips on this one. My opinion is that you shouldn’t put any more into 401k than what the company actually matches. So like reach out, we match fibers Turn right starting next year. So you put 5% in, and then you get to match 5%. That’s a 100% return, that’s awesome. Anything over that I, in my opinion, I don’t believe that anybody should do than what the company actually matches, because above that is taxed later on down in life and taxes will be higher.
So the rate of return, there’s a lot better ways to invest your dollars if you want to put more in. And that’s a good thing to do. And the second thing in my best opinion, that you should be doing is cash value life insurance because that builds an asset for you. And there are ways as this principle of compound interest for this thing to continue to grow, and grow and grow or cook, as we talk about it, and finance to cook over the years. And the younger you are when you start this, the better it is because it has more time to cook. It’s just that it’s literally that simple. I’m always open to messages about this stuff, and I can direct you to the right place, I don’t sell cash-value life insurance, and I’m not even making a referral to anybody else. I’m telling you things, in my opinion, that will help you build wealth for you and your family to come. Okay, because then you can be in a place where you’re not paycheck to paycheck, then you can be in a place where you can allow money to flow through you, rather than stop with you. If you ever feel overwhelmed about money is because you’re living in a mindset of scarcity, that there’s a limited fixed amount.
There are always ways to continue to expand your income. And just like business, almost all money problems with any business can be solved with more revenue. Almost all problems with personal finances can be solved by making more income. This does not mean going to your employer or going to your boss and asking for a raise right now just because you need more income. There’s still hard work that’s attached to that, just like in business, how there’s hard work that is attached to generating more revenue, it’s the same thing. You’re probably asking what can I do. Rick, what can I absolutely do in order to increase my personal income, one of the things you can do is you can start to maybe try to take on some new responsibilities. One way you might be able to if you’re a technical person, for example, right, you could obtain certifications, which means that you’re no longer like a level one or level two or level three, you can accelerate and move into an engineering phase. It might not be just certifications, it could be business classes.
This is the hard work that you put into it to prepare yourself. For what can come. Because people have looked at me my entire life, no joke. And they’ve said, Rick, you’re so lucky, you’re so lucky, you know all this stuff. Look at all this attention that you get, you release a book and it becomes a best seller. You go on a TV show and all of a sudden you’re on the NASDAQ jumbotron, you have a public company, and people all over the country are talking about you, you’re so lucky. And I’m like, bullshit. I’ve worked my ass off to do every single thing. And you know what luck might actually mean? So maybe if you want to call me lucky. And my definition, I can give you a my definition is it’s preparation meets opportunity. Preparation, plus opportunity equals luck. And that’s the same for you. Because if you prepare, if you continue to grow your skill set to grow your knowledge to consume information, that is your preparation phase, and then when the opportunity comes around, bam, you get lucky.
That’s the whole like, right place at the right time scenario, right? The Right Place could be when the opportunity comes but you don’t if you didn’t prepare, it’s not the right time for you. Because you can’t accept that new role. You can’t move into that new position you cannot generate more income if you are not prepared to. This also has to do with how you manage your money. Because if you’re hoarding it, if you’re going to sit there and you’re going to be like this is for me, I have expenses I have bills, all these other things great so does everybody else in the world so do I There’s a lot of things that I’d be like man I wish I had a little more to be able to do this but you know how you start to get more is you give more you begin to get more money when you give more money you begin to have more abundance when you flow out abundance to other people.
There’s this thing about tipping culture now right I don’t know if you read the articles but I know you feel this every set ever since the couple of years ago with the pandemic is that there’s these tipping things. I mean, I’m going to buy a banana, right? This was a kid you, not this was insane to me at the airport and one of the self-checkouts no human-involved self-checkouts, I went to buy a banana and thought about what water to and on. I tap my card and then it immediately goes to a tipping screen like what? There was no human interaction whatsoever, not even the person to take my dollars, which in my personal opinion, cashiers are there to just perform a transaction it’s not service-related. To me, tipping has to do with the service being provided and how good that service can be to you and how much that person is into actually helping Seeing you and wanting to be of service to you, then yeah, all day long all the live long day I will tip.
But you know what, it’s December, right? And one of the things that I’ve resolved to do this month, this entire month is whenever I see a prompt, whenever I see a tipping prompt, I don’t care if it’s just a cashier, I will be tipping this month. This is like the month of generosity, December as we lead up to Christmas, this is the month of generosity, you can follow my lead if you want to, and try to do this yourself. Because I know one thing, the only reason I’m doing this, even though as a mindset, I don’t necessarily agree with the tipping. When it comes to a cashier, especially not at its self-checkout, there’s no human there. However, what I know it will do is only good things. One, it’s going to put me in a mindset of being even more generous than what I am right now. It’s like leveling up my level of generosity because of cash is meant to flow through me, I’m not going to have a dam that blocks that abundance anywhere in my life. And the second reason is people will get blessed out of it. It’s awesome, there’s nothing bad that can come out of me hitting that yes button for a tip.
You know, I don’t think I’m gonna come to do it. When the self-checkout, I don’t think I can actually do that my brain just does not cross that barrier. That’s okay. But hey, if it’s a, if it’s a cashier at a Target of all places, I don’t think there’s a tipping prompt there. But even if there was, I’m hitting Yes, for this next month, because I want to see what it does to me, I want to see how it levels me up into a greater level of generosity because it’s what I believe and what I’m expressing to you is that money is meant to flow through you, to other people around you. And when you do that, think about water, visualize water going through a channel, right? As often as that channel goes through, think about this, because there’s this principle of erosion, right? It happens over time, over long periods of time, as water flows through a channel, and that channel gets wider and deeper and wider and deeper. And what affects that the wider it gets, the more can flow through, there’s also current, the faster it flows through, the more erosion happens.
So the faster that you can give out in abundance to everybody else, this is a principle that I’m teaching you here, the more can rush your way. And when you have more current flowing through this, that channel will get wider and deeper than it ever has. That’s why I’m doing that this month. And it’s almost like the best byproduct best symptom in the world is that a lot of other people will get blessed. But it’s going to level up my own mindset about generosity this month. That’s what I’m challenging you to do to maybe not in this but like I said, cash flow is king. Scarcity sucks ass. Abundance is amazing. Abundance is the only way for scarcity to be met just for you. It’s only for you. That’s it, it pins you down, it holds things up in your life. But abundance is not just for you. It’s for you and everybody else around you. Do you see the difference? Do you see the difference? So don’t go looking around asking other people what changes they could make to provide more money in your life, you have to take responsibility for this for yourself. And level up your own mindset, the way that you’re looking at things, and how to provide more value and abundance to other people. And that’s going to deepen and widen that channel for you during this month, especially.
So whatever way you want to look at December, whatever way you want to look at generosity this month, I am challenging you to make your channel deeper and wider by understanding that money flows through you. And scarcity is only for you. So which do you want? What do you want? Do you want scarcity? Or do you want abundance? Do you want a little tiny little like a trickle of a stream? Or do you want a raging river of cash in your life that’s meant to not just bless you, but because you’re doing good things with it? It’s meant to bless everybody around you. This is how you obtain an increase in your life by understanding that that increase is for this circle that includes you and everybody else around you have an awesome frickin week. Follow my lead on this and just see what happens to you this month. Oh, I want to hear the stories. All right, there we go.