About the Episode: Today we’re diving deep into why 99% of failures come from people who make excuses. I tackle the destructive pattern of blaming others and even yourself, which keeps you stuck in victim mode instead of moving forward. Here’s the truth – placing blame and making excuses anchors you in the past, in […]
Why Self-Compassion is Essential
About the Episode If you’re in a rut right now, you might be lacking acceptance of what is actually happening in your life. It can be hard to distinguish the difference between disbelief and unacceptance.. And today I will share how I had to accept a massive loss that affected my future decisions in business. […]
From Victim to Victor: Ditching the Blame Game
About the Episode: Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that might trigger some: Excuses. Did you know that 99% of all failures come from people who habitually make excuses? We often blame others, circumstances, or even ourselves, but this blame game keeps us anchored in the past. I’ve met many who believe nothing is […]
Acceptance Vs. Excuses
About the Episode: Relationships should have no blame. Analyzing others will lead to excuses, and those excuses need to stop. The first step? Acceptance. Listen to the podcast here: Watch the episode here: Episode References: N/A Episode Topics: When you make excuses, you’re more prone to the failure Relationships should have no blame Blame […]
Why You Need Compassion for Yourself
About the Episode If you’re in a rut right now, you might be lacking acceptance of what is actually happening in your life. It can be hard to distinguish the difference between disbelief and unacceptance.. And today I will share how I had to accept a massive loss that affected my future decisions in business. […]