The Power of Gratitude Against Anxiety and Regret

About the Episode: In this empowering episode of ALL IN, Rick Jordan delves into overcoming the barriers of regret and anxiety to create the life you’ve always desired. He shares personal insights on how holding onto regrets can keep you stuck in the past and how anxiety can trap you in the present, preventing you […]

Why Your Wait Was Worth It: The Power of Persistence

About the Episode: In today’s episode of ALL IN, I want to share a message of encouragement and hope. I know many of you have faced challenges, waited patiently, and sometimes felt like giving up. But today, I want you to know that your doors are opening. Every obstacle, every delay, and every moment of […]

The Quick Death That is Time

About the Episode At the end of the day, you can always make more money, but you can’t find more time. Time is an irreplaceable thing and when you don’t focus on what is, you miss out. Are you okay with continuing to miss out on what is happening in the now, what is happening […]