From Turmoil to Triumph: Rick Jordan’s Story of Resilience

About the Episode: In this heartfelt episode, I dive deep into a pivotal moment in my life, sharing my personal struggles and the challenges I faced. Even when everything seemed to be going against me, I found the strength to pivot and shift my mindset. I discuss the importance of celebrating small victories, seeking guidance, […]

9 Entrepreneur Hacks for Fast Growth

About the Episode In business advice, one thing has always come down if you are not changing, you are dying. You always need to be flexible to the point where you can shift to better suit your customers, the trajectory of your market, your employees, and more. Listen to the podcast here Watch the episode […]

Want The Cure, Not a Pill

About the Episode Today, I dedicate this episode to go out to my people, the people that are on this journey of expansion, education and more with me. Inside of the IT and CyberSecurity space, there is a massive shake up happening, but most of the businesses like mine, have their eyes closed to what […]

Have You Ran Out of Excuses?

About the Episode Someone can sit there and focus on all of the steps they need to take, but at the end of the day, all a person needs to do is to start. Nobody that has truly been successful, has been able to plan for every possible problem. There will always be something that […]

What Makes You Strong?

About the Episode You might not see it now, but what you are currently going through is what is making you strong. When you get the chance to look back on what is now, and reflect.. You will see what you were actually able to take away from it and accomplish. It’s time to focus […]

When You’re Not Seeing Your Next Step

About the Episode  It is often easy to lose sight of a dream, especially if following the dream can become extremely foggy and hard to predict. Rick gives advice on how he has pushed through the uncertainty, because he knows the end goal is always there. Listen to the podcast here Watch the episode here […]