What’s at Stake in Your Leadership? | Dan Tocchini

About the Episode  I’m thrilled to welcome leadership expert Dan Tocchini to explore some transformative ideas about leadership. We dive deep into what it really means to lead effectively, going beyond traditional notions and tackling the concept of turning to genuine leadership. Dan shares insights from his decades of experience in coaching and leadership development, […]

Stop Complaining, Start Doing

About the Episode: We’ve all been complainers at some point, but it’s crucial to understand the impact it has. Complaining might feel like doing something, but in reality, it accomplishes nothing. It’s an ego trip, a quick hit of dopamine that leaves us feeling empty. I discuss the importance of moving beyond complaining to actually […]

Precision or Power?

About the Episode: In this episode of ALL IN, I, Rick Jordan, dive into the critical art of decision-making, particularly when facing life’s tough challenges. I discuss the two primary approaches: surgical precision and using a blunt instrument. Whether it’s a personal dilemma, a business setback, or a relationship issue, the way we tackle problems […]

Better Sex. Better Sleep. Better Life. | Matt Chalmers

About the Episode Have you ever wondered who a child of a family of engineers would be? Think chiropractic care but on a deeper level. Meet Dr. Matt Chalmers. A man that loves to look deeper into the health of humans and how cannabis, vitamins and supplements, and hormones can change your life forever   […]

Want The Cure, Not a Pill

About the Episode Today, I dedicate this episode to go out to my people, the people that are on this journey of expansion, education and more with me. Inside of the IT and CyberSecurity space, there is a massive shake up happening, but most of the businesses like mine, have their eyes closed to what […]